Thursday, April 17, 2014


I do not think I had ever heard the phrase, "Clean Eating" prior to beginning this journey.  Simply speaking, clean eating is eating all natural foods, that do not contain preservatives.  So, yes, you will have to read the labels in order to follow a clean eating meal plan.  Here are some basic guidelines to clean eating meal plan, which I have incorporated in to my own meal planning:

1.  Eat fact, you should plan to have 6 small meals a day.  Each meal should be no more than 3 hours apart.

2.  DO NOT SKIP BREAKFAST.  You need to eat breakfast to get your metabolism started!

3.  Have a lean protein and complex carb at every meal. (That means 6 times per day!)  Complex carbohydrate sources, such as whole-grain breads, starchy vegetables and beans, deliver fiber, as well as valuable amounts of vitamins and minerals. 

4.  Don't forget to include healthy fats in your meal plan.  Healthy fats are good in moderation. Specifically, try incorporating foods such as almonds, walnuts, olive oil, almond butter, flaxseed, and Safflower oil, into your menus.

5.  Drink plenty of water.  In fact, drink a lot of water.  You should drink at least one half of your body weight in ounces of water each day.  So, for example, if you weigh 200 pounds, you need to drink 100 ounces of water per day. 

6.  Stick to proper portion sizes.  Even if you are eating healthy, clean foods, you still need to maintain proper portion sizes.  As a general rule, follow these guidelines for portion sizes: 
                                         *Lean Proteins:  what you can fit in the palm of 1 hand;
                                         *Fruits/Veggies:  What you can fit in 2 cupped hands;
                                         *Starchy Complex Carbs:  what you can fit in 1 cupped hand;
                                         *Healthy fats:  Oils- 1 to 2 tablespoons; nuts-scant handful (about 14 nuts)

7.  Read your labels.  Select only all natural foods with NO PRESERVATIVES. As a general rule, if there are more than 1 or 2 ingredients on the label, the item probably contains preservatives.  Also, if you cannot pronounce or easily identify something on the label, it is probably a preservative.  

    8.  NO ADDED SUGARS OR ARTIFICIAL SWEETENERS.  This means, no aspartame, sucralose (Splenda), etc.  Try to avoid gum too, because it contains artificial sweeteners.  While it may satisfy a desire to eat or curb your cravings, it can actually activate the digestive process by creating saliva.  Your body, in turn, thinks it wants food and you can actually begin to feel hungry. 

     9. No alcohol.  I know....this is easier said than done.  Trust me, I'm married to the 'Beer Guy'.  No, seriously, my husband is an adult beverage salesman!  My house is full of awesome beer samples (research) constantly.  I am also known to enjoy a glass of wine in the evening, particularly when I am cooking dinner.  I have cut these unnecessary alcohol moments from my day to day menu plan.  I will have a cheat day from time to time and drink a celebratory glass of wine or enjoy a new beer with my husband.  As a general rule, cut it out.

     10.  Be prepared.  Do not get caught unprepared or without a backup plan when it comes to food.  The best way to do this is to plan your menu at the beginning of the week, and map out the entire week, including snacks.  Go to the grocery store and only buy what you need, in accordance with your menu for the week.  If you are going to baseball practice, or in my case, hockey practice, for several hours, pack your snacks.  If you are going to be going on an outing with your family on the weekend, pack a picnic lunch.  By failing to prepare you set yourself up for failure.  

      These are my TEN general guidelines that I follow for a clean eating meal plan.  There are a number of resources out there that you can look at for ideas on new recipes and menu ideas.  

      To see a sample 5-day clean eating meal plan please visit my blog on 5-day Clean Eating Sample Meal Plan.   

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