Sunday, April 27, 2014


There may be a ton of information in your Focus T25 challenge pack, but what they don't put in the box, may be exactly what you need to know to survive the first week of the program.  I've been in your shoes, and I want to give you my advice to help you get through the first week of Focus T25.

1.  DON'T QUIT.  It is not going to be easy.  I promise, within the first  45 seconds of Alpha Cardio, you are going to be thinking, "WTF??!!!"  My best advice to is not to give up.  Keep pushing.  When you need to, look for Tanya for the modifications.  DON'T be ashamed to have to use the modifications.  They are there for a reason.  When I first started Focus T25, I used every modification there was.  I HAD to.  But, I kept doing it.  Give yourself 5 days, and push through this week.  If you do have to stop, which YOU WILL, grab a drink of water, wipe your face with a towel, catch your breath, then GET your butt back in it.  It is only 25 minutes.  Push through those 25 minutes, and I promise, you will be so happy you did.  If you have to, you can scream obscenities at Shaun T.  That definitely helped me get through week 1. 

2.  EXPECT TO BE SORE.  I'm not going to lie, my first week of T25, I was sore every single day.  But, I basically have a desk job, I did not exercise, and got sore feet when I had to run to Wal-Mart for groceries.  So, if you are like me, expect it.  When you push your body like this, you will feel it the next day.  Don't give up just because it makes you sore.   As you continue, your body will adjust.  You will feel yourself get stronger.  Things that bothered you in this first week, will no longer bother you.  For example, my shins and knees were killing me during my first week of Focus T25, now, they rarely bother me at all.  I've developed these muscle areas and have become stronger physically.  If you aren't sore, then push yourself harder!  Also, Beachbody makes an awesome supplement called Results and Recovery.  It tastes great and helps to reduce your muscle soreness after an intense workout.  Check it out if you are interested.

3. SET YOURSELF UP FOR SUCCESS.  Often times we can be our own worst enemies.  I know for a fact that I have destroyed many of my own attempts at weight loss by setting myself up for failure.  So this week, set yourself up for success.  HOW???  Invite others to join you in your workouts this week.  Ask your spouse, your kids, your friends to join you.  Let everyone
know that you are starting T25 and you are so excited about it.  This will keep you motivated to succeed.  You don't want to have to explain everyone that you quit.  Also, make sure you have a plan for when you will exercise.  Then, have a back up plan, in case your plan gets ruined.  The better prepared you are to succeed, the less chance there will be of failure.  

4.  THINK BIG.  This week is just a small step in your journey.  It's an important step, but think of the big picture.  When I began, I pulled out old photographs of myself when I was thinner, happier, and healthier.  I taped them up all over my house.  I focused on the end result I want to achieve.  I mentally prepared myself to get through week 1 by thinking of the big picture.  If you don't get through week 1, you won't accomplish those big goals.  Remind yourself about the final destination you want to reach..........that may just get you through week 1.

5.  BE READY.  You will need proper workout attire for this program.  Don't try to do this in sweatpants.  I did that the first day and had to stop and change.  The bagginess of the pant legs get all tangled up in the moves.  Try to wear tight fitting crop pants, or shorts.  Ladies, you WILL need a sports bra.  Again, tight fitting.  You will be jumping a lot.  You need good shoes.  I did the entire first round with my well-broken in Nike cross trainers.  I decided I needed a new pair to begin this round, and got suggestions from the sales person at my local Dick's.  Then, I tried them on and did lunges, jumping jacks, and squats in the store.  I got the ones that feels the most natural and lightweight.  

6.  EMPTY YOUR BLADDER.  LOL!  I know, sounds funny, right?  Well, don't empty your bladder, and I guarantee, you'll wish you had!  

7.  HAVE A WATER AND TOWEL ON HAND.  You are going to sweat.  You are going to need a drink.  Shaun T's philosophy in this program is that it is only 25 minutes, but it is non-stop.  He doesn't give you water breaks.  I take a water break when I need one.  I can't go 25 minutes without stopping and getting a drink.  I usually grab a quick gulp of water in between moves, then I jump right back in.  You will also need a towel.  The sweat will drip down your face and in to your eyes, if you don't wipe it.  
 8.  BE REALISTIC.  You are not Shaun T.  You are not Tanya (modifier in the workout program), you are YOU.  Don't forget that.  If you have unrealistic expectations of yourself, you are going to fail.  Be patient with yourself.  You will not be able to "NAIL IT" the first time through.  It is not going to happen.....I assure you.  HOWEVER, if you push play every day AND keep trying your best, you WILL NAIL IT before you know it.  

9.  USE THE RESOURCES PROVIDED TO YOU.  Use your challenge group to check in every single day.  As you saw in pre-season, you will have a check-in every day.  DO IT.  This needed to talk about your workout, food, and shakeology, will keep you motivated!!!  Also, use your workout calendar that came with your program.  I have mine on my fridge.  Mark it EVERY single day.  Even if you have to mark, 'BARELY MADE IT'.  Do it.  I enjoyed looking back at mine after my 10 weeks to see how often I thought I 'barely made it' as opposed to 'nailed it.'  Also, you are given amazing tools online with Beachbody.  Log in to your account and track your weight and measurements each STATURDAY.  You can also schedule your workout times in the WOW gym.  These things all helped keep me honest about my workouts and motivated to continue to push play every day.

10.  BE CONFIDENT.  You have made a big decision to start this and to change your life.  After 10 weeks you could potentially be an entirely different you.  Don't lose that focus and be confident that you can do it.  I believe in you, and if you are spending the time to read this, then you have committed to doing this and should have confidence in yourself as well.  You deserve this and you can do it.  Good luck!  I'm so excited for you and the beginning of your transformation journey!  NOW FOCUS!!

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